Install Dante Socks Proxy Centos 7

5/26/2019by admin

May 26, 2017 - I read the article they have on their site ' but I have no luck on making it work. How to use SOCKS proxy with yum? Http_proxy=socks5:// yum install. Friedland stockport sk5 6bp wiring. CentOS 7 - yum not using proxy for all requests. I have a VPS with Centos 7 os I have installed danted script wget --no-check-certificate Dante socks5 proxy.

## Добавляем репозиторий:
yum install
## Включаем репу и устанавливаем dante-server
yum --enablerepo=gf-plus install dante-server
## Разрешаем автозагрузку сервиса
systemctl enable sockd.service
## Создаем рабочую папку
mkdir /var/run/sockd
## Забэкапим оригинальный конфиг
mv /etc/sockd.conf /etc/sockd.conf.orig
## Создаем конфиг, прокси будет слушать на порту 443
cat >> /etc/sockd.conf << 'EOF'

Dante Socks Proxy

user.privileged: root
user.unprivileged: nobody
internal: ens160 port = 443
external: ens160
logoutput: syslog stdout /var/log/sockd.log
Socks proxy free downloaderrorlog: /var/log/sockd_err.log
socksmethod: username none #rfc931
client pass {
from: to:
log: connect disconnect iooperation

socks pass {
from: to:
command: connect udpassociate

Socks Proxy Software

log: connect disconnect iooperation
## Стартуем сервис
systemctl start sockd.service
## Правило для фаервола

Socks Proxy Ip Address

Install Dante Socks Proxy Centos 7firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family='ipv4' source address='ваш_внешний_ip/32' port protocol='tcp' port='443' accept'