Sample Opening Prayer For Nutrition Month Program

6/1/2019by admin

A page with short opening prayers suitable for beginning meetings, bible studies, church services & worship events. There is also a simple prayer for printing in.

In the name of Jesus, I speak to my body and command my thoughts about food to line up with good nutrition. I bind any spirit of lust for sugar, fat, pork, blood, too much meat, junk foods, and all other unhealthy foods.

I speak to my body and command my metabolism to become perfectly normal. Digestive organs, I command you to work as they were meant to work, in the name of Jesus.

Sample Opening Prayer For Church Service


Sample Opening Prayer For Seminar

I speak to my “appestat[appetite control center]” and command it to be healed at the upper limits, in the name of Jesus. I will no longer experience a ferocious appetite or be tempted to go on eating binges.

I say, appetite, that you will learn to love pleasant bread, and you will eat it willingly, without murmuring–for the glory of God and the sake of the kingdom, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

“For God is at work within you, helping you to obey him, and then helping you do what he wants”( Philippians 2:13 TLB) Proshow gold registration key.