How To Install Iproute2 Ubuntu

4/23/2019by admin
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  3. How To Install Iproute2 Ubuntu
How To Install Iproute2 UbuntuIproute2 is a collection of utilities for controlling TCP / IP networking and traffic control in Linux.Most network configuration manuals still refer to ifconfig and route as the primary network configuration tools, but ifconfig is known to behave inadequately in modern network environments. They should be deprecated, but most distros still include them. Most network configuration systems make use of ifconfig and thus provide a limited feature set. The /etc/net project aims to support most modern network technologies, as it doesn't use ifconfig and allows a system administrator to make use of all iproute2 features, including traffic control.

How to Install iproute2 software package in Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus). Iproute2 software package provides networking and traffic control tools, you can install.

iproute2 is usually shipped in a package called iproute or iproute2 and consists of several tools, of which the most important are ip and tc. ip controls IPv4 and IPv6 configuration and tc stands for traffic control.

Install iproute2 in ubuntu

Open the terminal and run the following command

sudo apt-get install iproute

iproute syntax

ip [ ip-OPTIONS ] route { COMMAND help }

Autocad 2007 free torrent download with crack. ip route { list flush } SELECTOR

ip route save SELECTOR

ip route restore

ip route get ADDRESS [ from ADDRESS iif STRING ] [ oif STRING ] [ tos TOS ]

ip route { add del change append replace } ROUTE

SELECTOR := [ root PREFIX ] [ match PREFIX ] [ exact PREFIX ] [ table TABLE_ID ] [ proto RTPROTO ] [ type TYPE ] [ scope SCOPE ]


NODE_SPEC := [ TYPE ] PREFIX [ tos TOS ] [ table TABLE_ID ] [ proto RTPROTO ] [ scope SCOPE ] [ metric METRIC ]


NH := [ via ADDRESS ] [ dev STRING ] [ weight NUMBER ] NHFLAGS

OPTIONS := FLAGS [ mtu NUMBER ] [ advmss NUMBER ] [ rtt TIME ] [ rttvar TIME ] [ reordering NUMBER ] [ window NUMBER ] [ cwnd NUMBER ] [ ssthresh REALM ] [ realms REALM ] [ rto_min TIME ] [ initcwnd NUMBER ] [ initrwnd NUMBER ] [ quickack BOOL ]

TYPE := [ unicast local broadcast multicast throw unreachable prohibit blackhole nat ]

TABLE_ID := [ local main default all NUMBER ]

SCOPE := [ host link global NUMBER ]

NHFLAGS := [ onlink pervasive ]

RTPROTO := [ kernel boot static NUMBER ]


ip route is used to manipulate entries in the kernel routing tables.

Route types:

unicast -- the route entry describes real paths to the destinations covered by the route prefix.

unreachable -- these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded and the ICMP message host unreachable is generated. The local senders get an EHOSTUNREACH error.

blackhole -- these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded silently. The local senders get an EINVAL error.

prohibit -- these destinations are unreachable. Packets are discarded and the ICMP message communication administratively prohibited is generated. The local senders get an EACCES error.

local -- the destinations are assigned to this host. The packets are looped back and delivered locally.

broadcast -- the destinations are broadcast addresses. The packets are sent as link broadcasts.

throw -- a special control route used together with policy rules. If such a route is selected, lookup in this table is terminated pretending that no route was found. Without policy routing it is equivalent to the absence of the route in the routing table. The packets are dropped and the ICMP message net unreachable is generated. The local senders get an ENETUNREACH error.

nat -- a special NAT route. Destinations covered by the prefix are considered to be dummy (or external) addresses which require translation to real (or internal) ones before forwarding. The addresses to translate to are selected with the attribute via. Warning: Route NAT is no longer supported in Linux 2.6.

anycast -- not implemented the destinations are anycast addresses assigned to this host. They are mainly equivalent to local with one difference: such addresses are invalid when used as the source address of any packet.

multicast -- a special type used for multicast routing. It is not present in normal routing tables.

Route tables: Linux-2.x can pack routes into several routing tables identified by a number in the range from 1 to 2^31 or by name from the file /etc/iproute2/rt_tables By default all normal routes are inserted into the main table (ID 254) and the kernel only uses this table when calculating routes. Values (0, 253, 254, and 255) are reserved for built-in use.

Actually, one other table always exists, which is invisible but even more important. It is the local table (ID 255). This table consists of routes for local and broadcast addresses. The kernel maintains this table automatically and the administrator usually need not modify it or even look at it.

The multiple routing tables enter the game when policy routing is used.

ip route add
add new route
ip route change
change route
ip route replace
change or add new one

to TYPE PREFIX (default)
the destination prefix of the route. If TYPE is omitted, ip assumes type unicast. Other values of TYPE are listed above. PREFIX is an IP or IPv6 address optionally followed by a slash and the prefix length. If the length of the prefix is missing, ip assumes a full-length host route. There is also a special PREFIX default -- which is equivalent to IP 0/0 or to IPv6 ::/0.

tos TOS
dsfield TOS
the Type Of Service (TOS) key. This key has no associated mask and the longest match is understood as: First, compare the TOS of the route and of the packet. If they are not equal, then the packet may still match a route with a zero TOS. TOS is either an 8 bit hexadecimal number or an identifier from /etc/iproute2/rt_dsfield.

metric NUMBER
preference NUMBER
the preference value of the route. NUMBER is an arbitrary 32bit number.

the table to add this route to. TABLEID may be a number or a string from the file /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. If this parameter is omitted, ip assumes the main table, with the exception of local, broadcast and nat routes, which are put into the local table by default.

dev NAME
the output device name.

the address of the nexthop router. Actually, the sense of this field depends on the route type. For normal unicast routes it is either the true next hop router or, if it is a direct route installed in BSD compatibility mode, it can be a local address of the interface. For NAT routes it is the first address of the block of translated IP destinations.

the source address to prefer when sending to the destinations covered by the route prefix.

the realm to which this route is assigned. REALMID may be a number or a string from the file /etc/iproute2/rt_realms.

mtu MTU
mtu lock MTU
the MTU along the path to the destination. If the modifier lock is not used, the MTU may be updated by the kernel due to Path MTU Discovery. If the modifier lock is used, no path MTU discovery will be tried, all packets will be sent without the DF bit in IPv4 case or fragmented to MTU for IPv6.

window NUMBER
the maximal window for TCP to advertise to these destinations, measured in bytes. It limits maximal data bursts that our TCP peers are allowed to send to us.

rtt TIME
the initial RTT (‘Round Trip Time') estimate. If no suffix is specified the units are raw values passed directly to the routing code to maintain compatibility with previous releases. Otherwise if a suffix of s, sec or secs is used to specify seconds and ms, msec or msecs to specify milliseconds.

rttvar TIME (2.3.15+ only)
the initial RTT variance estimate. Values are specified as with rtt above.

rto_min TIME (2.6.23+ only)
the minimum TCP Retransmission TimeOut to use when communicating with this destination. Values are specified as with rtt above.

ssthresh NUMBER (2.3.15+ only)
an estimate for the initial slow start threshold.

cwnd NUMBER (2.3.15+ only)
the clamp for congestion window. It is ignored if the lock flag is not used.

initcwnd NUMBER (2.5.70+ only)
the initial congestion window size for connections to this destination. Actual window size is this value multiplied by the MSS ('Maximal Segment Size') for same connection. The default is zero, meaning to use the values specified in RFC2414.

initrwnd NUMBER (2.6.33+ only)
the initial receive window size for connections to this destination. Actual window size is this value multiplied by the MSS of the connection. The default value is zero, meaning to use Slow Start value.

quickack BOOL (3.11+ only)
Enable or disable quick ack for connections to this destination.

advmss NUMBER (2.3.15+ only)
the MSS (‘Maximal Segment Size') to advertise to these destinations when establishing TCP connections. If it is not given, Linux uses a default value calculated from the first hop device MTU. (If the path to these destination is asymmetric, this guess may be wrong.)

reordering NUMBER (2.3.15+ only)
Maximal reordering on the path to this destination. If it is not given, Linux uses the value selected with sysctl variable net/ipv4/tcp_reordering.

nexthop NEXTHOP
the nexthop of a multipath route. NEXTHOP is a complex value with its own syntax similar to the top level argument lists:

via ADDRESS -- is the nexthop router.

dev NAME -- is the output device.

weight NUMBER -- is a weight for this element of a multipath route reflecting its relative bandwidth or quality.

the scope of the destinations covered by the route prefix. SCOPE_VAL may be a number or a string from the file /etc/iproute2/rt_scopes. If this parameter is omitted, ip assumes scope global for all gatewayed unicast routes, scope link for direct unicast and broadcast routes and scope host for local routes.

protocol RTPROTO
the routing protocol identifier of this route. RTPROTO may be a number or a string from the file /etc/iproute2/rt_protos. If the routing protocol ID is not given, ip assumes protocol boot (i.e. it assumes the route was added by someone who doesn't understand what they are doing). Several protocol values have a fixed interpretation. Namely:


redirect -- the route was installed due to an ICMP redirect.

kernel -- the route was installed by the kernel during autoconfiguration.

boot -- the route was installed during the bootup sequence. If a routing daemon starts, it will purge all of them.

static -- the route was installed by the administrator to override dynamic routing. Routing daemon will respect them and, probably, even advertise them to its peers.

ra -- the route was installed by Router Discovery protocol.

The rest of the values are not reserved and the administrator is free to assign (or not to assign) protocol tags.

pretend that the nexthop is directly attached to this link, even if it does not match any interface prefix.

ip route delete
delete route

ip route del has the same arguments as ip route add, but their semantics are a bit different.

Key values (to, tos, preference and table) select the route to delete. If optional attributes are present, ip verifies that they coincide with the attributes of the route to delete. If no route with the given key and attributes was found, ip route del fails.

ip route show
list routes

the command displays the contents of the routing tables or the route(s) selected by some criteria.

to SELECTOR (default)
only select routes from the given range of destinations. SELECTOR consists of an optional modifier (root, match or exact) and a prefix. root PREFIX selects routes with prefixes not shorter than PREFIX. F.e. root 0/0 selects the entire routing table. match PREFIX selects routes with prefixes not longer than PREFIX. F.e. match 10.0/16 selects 10.0/16, 10/8 and 0/0, but it does not select 10.1/16 and 10.0.0/24. And exact PREFIX (or just PREFIX) selects routes with this exact prefix. If neither of these options are present, ip assumes root 0/0 i.e. it lists the entire table.

tos TOS
dsfield TOS
only select routes with the given TOS.

show the routes from this table(s). The default setting is to show table main. TABLEID may either be the ID of a real table or one of the special values:

all -- list all of the tables.

cache -- dump the routing cache.

list cloned routes i.e. routes which were dynamically forked from other routes because some route attribute (f.e. MTU) was updated. Actually, it is equivalent to table cache.

the same syntax as for to, but it binds the source address range rather than destinations. Note that the from option only works with cloned routes.

protocol RTPROTO
only list routes of this protocol.

only list routes with this scope.

type TYPE
only list routes of this type.

dev NAME
only list routes going via this device.

only list routes going via the nexthop routers selected by PREFIX.

only list routes with preferred source addresses selected by PREFIX.

only list routes with these realms.

ip route flush
flush routing tables

this command flushes routes selected by some criteria.

The arguments have the same syntax and semantics as the arguments of ip route show, but routing tables are not listed but purged. The only difference is the default action: show dumps all the IP main routing table but flush prints the helper page.

With the -statistics option, the command becomes verbose. It prints out the number of deleted routes and the number of rounds made to flush the routing table. If the option is given twice, ip route flush also dumps all the deleted routes in the format described in the previous subsection.

ip route get
get a single route

this command gets a single route to a destination and prints its contents exactly as the kernel sees it.

to ADDRESS (default)
the destination address.

the source address.

tos TOS
dsfield TOS
the Type Of Service.

iif NAME
the device from which this packet is expected to arrive.

oif NAME
force the output device on which this packet will be routed.

if no source address (option from) was given, relookup the route with the source set to the preferred address received from the first lookup. If policy routing is used, it may be a different route.

Note that this operation is not equivalent to ip route show. show shows existing routes. get resolves them and creates new clones if necessary. Essentially, get is equivalent to sending a packet along this path. If the iif argument is not given, the kernel creates a route to output packets towards the requested destination. This is equivalent to pinging the destination with a subsequent ip route ls cache, however, no packets are actually sent. With the iif argument, the kernel pretends that a packet arrived from this interface and searches for a path to forward the packet.

ip route save
save routing table information to stdout

This command behaves like ip route show except that the output is raw data suitable for passing to ip route restore.

ip route restore
restore routing table information from stdin

This command expects to read a data stream as returned from ip route save. It will attempt to restore the routing table information exactly as it was at the time of the save, so any translation of information in the stream (such as device indexes) must be done first. Any existing routes are left unchanged. Any routes specified in the data stream that already exist in the table will be ignored.

Iproute2 examples

ip ro

Show all route entries in the kernel.

ip route add default via dev eth0

Adds a default route (for all addresses) via the local gateway that can be reached on device eth0.

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It is essential to have an understanding of basic networking tools when administering and troubleshooting Linux servers. While some tools are made primarily for monitoring, other low-level utilities are used to configure the network connection itself and implement default settings.

Ubuntu Install Iproute2

Traditionally, a group of unrelated tools lumped together under the title of net-tools was used to do this. They were often packaged together to provide full functionality coverage, but their development and usage strategy varied from tool to tool.

Because of inconsistencies, as well as halted maintenance, a collection of tools known under the umbrella moniker iproute2 has been used to replace these separate tools. They have been developed in tandem to share syntax and operate together efficiently.

In this guide, we will discuss how to use the iproute2 tools to configure, manipulate, and gather information about your network. We will be using an Ubuntu 12.04 VPS to demonstrate, but most modern Linux distributions should provide the same level of functionality.

While the querying commands can usually be executed as an unprivileged user, root privileges must be used to modify settings.

How To View Network Interfaces, Addresses, and Routes

One of the most fundamental responsibilities of the iproute2 suite is to manage actual interfaces.

Usually, the interfaces themselves will be named things like eth0, eth1, lo, etc. Traditionally, the ifconfig command was used to configure items in this area. Under the iproute2 system, the subcommands ip addr and ip link take care of these steps.

With ifconfig, you could gather information about the current state of your network interfaces by typing the command with no arguments:

To get information about a single interface, you can always specify it as an argument:

We can replicate this functionality with subcommands in the iproute2 suite.

To get an overview of the addresses attached to each interface, type ip addr in with no arguments:

To get a specific interface, you can use this syntax:

In fact, the ip addr command is just an alias for the ip addr show command.

If you are only concerned with the interfaces themselves and not the addresses, you can use the ip link command instead:

To get information about a specific interface, you'll need to add the keyword show followed by the interface name:

To get statistics about how an interface is communicating, you can query statistics from each interface by passing the -s option to the link subcommand:

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So how do we find our routing table? The routing table contains kernel information about the paths to other network locations. We can print off the current routing table by typing:

This shows us that the default route to the greater internet is available through the eth0 interface and the address We can access this server through that interface, where our own interface address is

How To Configure Network Interfaces and Addresses

Now that you are familiar with how to get information about the interfaces and addresses associated with them, the next step is to find out how to modify their states.

The first step is to configure the interface itself. You can do this with the ip link subcommand again. This time, however, you pass the action set instead of show in order to modify values.

For instance, we can bring a network interface up or down by issuing these:

Note: Be careful not to accidentally bring down the interface that you are connected to your server through.

You can also use the ip link subcommand to set attributes about the interface. For instance, if you would like to change the multicast flag on or off for your interface, you can type:

How To Install Ubuntu Touch

You can adjust the mtu and package queue length like this:

If the interface you are configuring is down, you can adjust the interface name and the arp flag associated with the device:

To adjust the addresses associated with the interfaces, we again use the ip addr subcommand.

We can add an address to a device by typing:

The brd + portion of the command automatically sets the broadcast address. Multiple addresses can be added to each interface without a problem.

We can get rid of addresses with the inverse operation. To delete a specific address associated with an interface, you can use it like this:

Optionally, you can omit the address, and the first listed address associated with that interface will be deleted.

How To Install Iproute2 Ubuntu

You can also adjust the routing of the server, using the ip route [add change replace delete ] syntax, but we won't be covering this here, because most people will will not be adjusting this on a regular basis.

Additional Capabilities of IPRoute2

IPRoute2 has some additional capabilities that we will not be able to discuss in-depth in this guide. Instead, we will talk about what these are and what situations you may find them useful.

The idea of IP routing rules is difficult to talk about because it is very situation dependent. Basically, you can decide on how to route traffic based on a number of fields, including target address, source address, routing protocol, packet size, etc.

We access this functionality by using the ip rule subcommand. The basic querying follows the general pattern of the other subcommands:

These three routing rules are the default rules configured by the kernel. The first line matches any traffic and is used to route high priority traffic. The second line is the main rule that handles normal routing. The last one is an empty rule that is used for post-processing if the rules above didn't match the packet.

Routing rules, as configured by the IPRoute2 software, are stored in a routing policy database, where the policy is selected by matching against sets of rules. We can add or delete rules using the appropriate actions. You should not do this without knowing what you are doing however. Look at the man pages and search for ip rule for more information.

Another thing that we'll discuss briefly is the handling of arp information through these tools. The subcommand that deals with this information is called ip neigh.

By default, this should at least list your gateway. Arp is a protocol used to gather information about physical devices accessible through the local network.

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Basically, an arp request is broadcast over the local network whenever an IP address needs to be reached. The matching IP address responds and then the local computer knows where to send information to that IP address. This information is cached on the local system for some time (typically about 15 minutes) to avoid having to query during follow up communication.


You should now have a fairly good idea of how to use the tools included in the iproute2 suite. While many guides and tutorials still refer to the old utilities, partly because knowledgeable system admins often grew up using the older tools, the commands discussed in this guide will be taking over in the coming years.

It is important to familiarize yourself with these commands now before you find yourself troubleshooting issues on a system that has switched to these commands (Arch Linux already fully converted in 2011). In general, they are much more consistent, and you can count on certain conventions being available in all of the commands. The more you use these commands, the more they will become second nature.